Tuesday, March 10, 2015

"Parenting Classes: Pros and Cons"


"Parenting Classes: Pros and Cons." Parenting Classes: Pros and Cons. Health Guidance, 1 Jan. 2015. Web. 10 Mar. 2015.

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This article analyzes the pros and cons in general of parenting classes, mainly zoning in on the pros. The article informs readers of the many different types of parenting classes that are offered for the large range of stages a parent might need assistance in. Health Guidance brings up the issue of the "New World" where families don't always live in very close proximity like they use to ( Parenting...). The topic of why individuals might seek help from others outside of the family about parenting advice is discussed in regards to the changing times (Parenting...).


Health Guidance is a fairly respected source offering many free health articles on their website HealthGuidance.org. They offer articles by many different authors with disclaimers stating it is not medical advice, it is simply a data base for medical-related article. Since it is a database you run the risk of unreliable sources therefore tread lightly if searching important material. However, the website is perfect for advice on topics such as the benefits of parenting classes.


Considering the source is a data base we run the risk of unreliable sources. The article is also slightly bias toward the pros of parenting classes and doesn't focus much on the cons which is included in the title of the article.

Key Words and Phrases:

Emergency Care
First Aid
Modern Parenting

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