Anderson, Marie. "Why Would Mandatory Parenting Classes in Schools Be a Good Idea?" Education. Web. 31 Mar. 2015.
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The article discusses how mandatory parenting classes for all high school students would be very beneficial for the later part of our lives. It would give a level of preparation that would otherwise go without knowing until it was too late. These can be broken down into three practical categories;
Benefits for Teen Parents- The CDC reports that an average of 329797 teens give birth each year ("About Teen..."). "Students learn that caring for a child is an important responsibility that requires maturity, a stable relationship and financial stability," states Marie Anderson the article author. All of which would be taught in the classes (Anderson).
Reducing Child Abuse- Simply put, child abuse/neglect is a result of a lack of knowledge about childhood development. The classes would bring the knowledge needed to inform others of proper care, which would reduce the amount of child abuse/neglect (Rochman).
Breaking the Cycle- It would provide resources that could help end the cycle of abuse, if a current student would need them (Anderson).
The quality of this article seems to be good. Several references at the bottom of the page along with a biography of the author to give her ethos a boost. Everything points to being a credible source.
The only main issues I have with this article ist that it comes from a ".com" database, as well as the fact that the article is short. More information would have been wonderful.
The only main issues I have with this article ist that it comes from a ".com" database, as well as the fact that the article is short. More information would have been wonderful.
Teen Pregnancy
Child Abuse
High School
Additional Works Cited
"About Teen Pregnancy." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention, 9 June 2014. Web. 31 Mar. 2015.
Rochman, Bonnie. "Child Abuse Pediatricians Recommend Basic Parenting Classes to Reduce
Maltreatment and Neglect |" Time. Time, 4 Apr. 2012. Web. 31 Mar. 2015.
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