Monday, March 30, 2015

"Parenting Classes, Parenting Behavior, and Child Cognitive Development"

Chang, Mido, Boyoung Park, and Sunha Kim. Parenting Classes, Parenting Behavior, and  Child    Cognitive Development in Early Head Start: A Longitudinal Model. 1st ed. Vol. 19.  Lincoln: School  Community Journal, 2009. 155-174. Print.


      This study evaluated the data from the Early Head Start Research and Evaluation (EHSRE), those who looked at the Early Head Start program, and used it to decide whether these classes helped improve the development of the child(Chang, Park, and Kim 155). The Early Head Start (EHS) program is a United States government-run program designed to "[provide] early, continuous, intensive, and comprehensive child development and family support services to low-income infants and toddlers and their families, and pregnant women and their families("About")."

     The research and analysis done by Mido Chang, Boyoung Park, and Sunha Kim concluded that "parents who attended parenting classes stimulated their children's language and cognitive development and provided educational activities more than did parents who did not participate in parenting-classes(Chang, Park, and Kim 155)."


     This study is of very high quality. It uses information provided by a government run organization and was published. The three authors, Boyoung Park, Mido Chang, and Sunha Kim all have Ph.D's. Park has earned her Ph.D in early childhood education from the University of Georgia ("Dr. Boyoung Park"); Chang has a Ph.D in Measurement, Evaluation, & Statistics from Teachers College, Columbia University("Mido Chang, Ph.D"); and Kim has earned two Ph.D's, one for Cirriculum and Instruction (Instructional Design and Technology) from Viriginia Tech and one for Educational Research and Evaluation from Virginia Tech("Sunha Kim")


     The quality of this study is very good but not perfect. The study is very thorough but was done in 2009 and could be outdated. This study is also a lot to read through for those who are just looking for quick information and could be avoided.

Key Words & Phrases:

Early Head Start
Parenting Classes
Early Head Start Research and Evaluation
Cognitive Development

Works Cited:

"About Early Head Start." About Early Head Start. U.S. Department of Health & Human  Services, 30 Sept. 2014. Web. 25 Mar. 2015.

"Dr. Boyoung Park | School of Teacher Education & Leadership | Radford University." Dr.  Boyoung Park | School of Teacher Education & Leadership | Radford University. Radford  University. Web. 26 Mar. 2015.

"Mido Chang, Ph.D." FIU: Florida International University. FIU: Florida International  University. Web. 26 Mar. 2015.

"Sunha Kim." Sunha Kim. University of Buffalo Graduate School of Education. Web. 26 Mar.  2015.

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