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Dreyfus, Dr. Edward. "Mandatory Parenting Classes | Psychologically Speaking." Psychologically
Speaking. 17 July 2011. Web. 31 Mar. 2015.
The article by Dr. Dreyfus discusses the benefits of having a mandated 10 week parenting class for every year someone requests government funded child welfare. He states that he knows that this will not guarantee better generations of parents, "I know that simply attending parenting classes is no guarantee of creating effective parents," but he states that some things could stick. It could be the answer to everyone's concerns (Dreyfus).
The article quality is good. Dr. Dreyfus is a well educated man who seems to know his material. The article checks out nicely.
The article seems to focus on the lower percentile or parents, rather than all parents. I feel if we make an effort to correct an issue, all sides should be covered.
The article seems to focus on the lower percentile or parents, rather than all parents. I feel if we make an effort to correct an issue, all sides should be covered.
Parenting Classes
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