Friday, March 20, 2015

About STAR


"About STAR." STAR Parenting What Is STAR? STAR Parenting, 15 Feb. 2007. Web. 21 Mar. 2015.

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"About STAR" is an introduction to the STAR approach of child care. It is 5 steps along with 15 tools to guide you through the troubles of parenting. STAR parenting's slogan is "a STAR parent is a growing parent...not a perfect parent" (STAR). The program is meant to guide you through the stages of development and grow as a parent with your child. No parent is perfect, but STAR aims to help make parenting a special, not-so-stressful experience (STAR).


The STAR approach provides a very unique, reason-based style of parenting. The program was created by a parent educator named Elizabeth Crary whom is also a writer and speaker. Her first book was written during a time where not much information on parenting was provided making her an important figure in the parenting world. She has written books to guide parents through almost every stage of development which drove her to create the STAR Program which can be applied to all stages of growth. Christina Collins and Robert Fetsch posted a critique of 16 major parenting education systems in the Journal of Extension ranking STAR Parenting as one of the best.

While the STAR program offers a unique approach to parenting, the website is fairly outdated. The website has not been updated since 2007, however, that does not mean the information is no longer helpful. When it comes to parenting, any information helps and STAR provides a different approach to childcare worth consideration.

Key Words and Phrases:

Classic Issues
Problem-solving process

Works Cited:

Collins, Christina L., and Robert J. Fetsch. "A Review And Critique Of 16 Major Parent Education Programs." Journal Of Extension 50.4 (2012): 9. Education Research Complete. Web. 25 Mar. 2015.

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